Houthi rebels continued its launched a massive armed operation in the village of Hanaka Al Masoud in the Al-Qurayshiyah District of Al-Bayda Governorate.
Local sources reported that the rebels have so far kidnapped more than 400 civilians, including children and elders, and 360 of them were transferred to a detention center in Radaa District Security Administration in Al-Kamb area, while 60 others were taken to the central prison of Radaa city.
The sources added that Houthi rebels committed horrific crimes against the residents of the village, as it blew up three houses on Sunday evening.
On Sunday morning, the rebels burned five houses, and booby-trapped six other houses with explosive devices.
According to the sources, the rebels stormed more than 11 homes and looted their entire contents, amid a state of extreme panic among women and children.
Local residents reported that Houthi rebels’ campaign led to a mass exodus of residents from the village in search of safety, in light of the escalation of humanitarian violations targeting women and children.
Local residents appealed to the Yemeni government and international organizations to intervene urgently to stop these brutal crimes and hold their perpetrators accountable