
Investing in skilled midwives to save lives in Yemen

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01:58 2025/02/11

139 midwives had graduated from the UN-supported institutes and were sent by the end of 2024to rural areas most in need across Yemen, according to a recent report by UNFPA.

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency’s report disclosed that despite improvements in recent years, Yemen still has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the region, at 183 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

The report added that Yemen’s healthcare system has been stretched to breaking point after years of conflict, repeated climate disasters and a volatile economic situation. Some forty per cent of health facilities are partially functioning or completely out of service because of shortages in staff, funds, electricity, medicine and equipment, leaving millions without adequate care.

UNFPA report noticed that research shows that midwives could avert around two thirds of all maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths globally, and deliver some 90 per cent of all essential sexual, reproductive, maternal and newborn health services. Yet the profession has for too long been marginalized within health systems, an imbalance UNFPA is working to rectify by investing in midwifery training and deployment to reach more women and save more lives, quickly and at scale.

The report concluded that last year, over 440,000 women benefited from the midwifery training programs, of whom more than 50,000 had safe home deliveries with community midwives, and more than 77,000 received family planning services. A further 9,300 women with pregnancy complications were referred to health facilities, ensuring timely and specialized care.


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