The war in Yeme, ongoing since 2014, has spawned one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history—causing substantial loss of life, displacing an estimated 4.5 million people, accelerating poverty, damaging vital infrastructure, and resulting in the collapse of the economy, according to a recent report published by Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
GFDRR report added that natural hazards such as floods, landslides, and droughts have amplified the effects of conflict, just as these effects have tended to increase people’s vulnerability to these hazards.
For nearly a decade, according to the report, GFDRR has been on the frontlines of helping Yemen understand and address the disaster–fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) nexus.
In undertaking the assessments, the technical teams have adapted traditional methodologies of damage and needs assessment to ensure that the analytical work fully accounts for the interaction between disasters such as Cyclone Tej in 2023 and FCV dynamics in the country.
GFDRR’s latest support for tackling the disaster - FCV nexus in Yemen builds on nearly two decades of partnership for resilience building with the country.
For example, support from the facility proved vital in incorporating disaster risk reduction elements in the country’s urban, climate, food security, and water sector development policies.
In addition, the facility helped pave the way for flood modeling analysis that contributed to the development of a flood protection plan for Sana’a, the capital and largest city of Yemen.