
ACJ: More than 8,400 violations against women in Yemen, including 1,900 cases of arbitrary detention

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The American Center for Justice (ACJ), based in Michigan, USA, revealed that 8,400 cases of violations against Yemeni women since the beginning of the conflict until the end of 2024.

In statement on the occasion of International Women's Day, which falls on March 8 of each year, ACJ found that in Yemen, reports show that documented violations against women exceeded 8,400 cases by the end of 2024, adding “Among the violations are approximately 1,900 cases of arbitrary arrest and thousands of cases of killing”.

According to ACJ statement, in addition to suffering from direct violations, Yemeni women also suffer from the consequences of forced displacement, which forced more than 4 million people to leave their homes, according to United Nations reports.

In this context, the center confirmed that many women have lost their husbands as a result of kidnapping or killing during armed clashes, "which led to the collapse of their psychological, social and economic security, which imposed a huge burden on them, as they face serious challenges in securing their livelihood and caring for their families amidst endless unrest, making the humanitarian crisis in Yemen one of the most complex and influential crises on women's lives."

ACJ pointed out that despite human rights reports and humanitarian appeals about the catastrophic conditions in Yemen, the international community has not moved effectively to impose real accountability mechanisms that would put an end to these repeated violations, which exacerbates the humanitarian crisis and leaves Yemeni women without protection or justice.

The American Center for Justice called on the international community to take immediate and effective steps to stop these crimes, hold their perpetrators accountable, and provide the necessary protection for the affected women, warning that continued international inaction in the face of these atrocities only serves to entrench a culture of impunity and encourages the violating parties to persist in their brutal policies against women.

The Center also called for providing urgent humanitarian support to affected women in Yemen and other conflict areas, including providing urgent health care, with a focus on reproductive and psychological health services, especially for survivors of armed violence, stressing that the catastrophic conditions experienced by women in conflict areas require an emergency response from the international community, to ensure the minimum necessities of life for them and their children.

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة © قناة اليمن اليوم الفضائية