
Yemen Humanitarian Update: Cholera cases across Yemen

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02:17 2024/01/20

The United Nation found out that Yemen experienced a surge in suspected cholera cases across multiple governorates.

A recent report issued by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs explained that partners reported a higher proportion of suspected cases in Shabwah around mid-October 2023. And Subsequently, an increased rate was confirmed in the governorates of Hadramawt, Aden, Abyan, Lahj, Al Maharah, Al Dhale’, Taiz, and Al Hodeidah.

According to the report “Between 16 October and 31 December 2023, a total of 1,018 reported cases were associated with the outbreak, spanning 23 districts in 9 governorates of southern and eastern Yemen.”

Tragically, there have been six deaths reported. Children under the age of five account for nearly one-third of the cases. However, it is crucial to note that the actual figures are likely much higher due to underreporting in various areas, especially in the northern part of the country.

According to the UN report, there is some indication of gradual improvement in the situation, as December data suggests a decrease in cases. This decline is likely attributed to the colder weather.

Cholera is not new in Yemen, as the country has experienced multiple waves of cholera outbreaks since 2016. Yemen also exhibits seasonal trends in cholera cases.


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